Dementia Cure & Treatments

Is there a Dementia Cure

Is There a Cure for Dementia

At this time, there is no “cure” for dementia. In fact, since dementia is caused by a variety of diseases, there is unlikely to be a single dementia cure.

Since Alzheimer’s disease is the most prevalent type of dementia, the majority of the medications available are used to treat it. They will help to alleviate symptoms for a short period of time.


What is Dementia Cure

Dementia is not a particular illness; it’s an umbrella term that encompasses a wide variety of medical conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease, similar to heart disease. Abnormal brain changes cause the disorders grouped under the umbrella word “dementia.” These changes cause a deterioration in cognitive ability, also known as thinking skills, that is significant enough to affect everyday life and independent functions. They also have an effect on one’s attitudes, emotions, and relationships.

Alzheimer’s disease is responsible for 60-80% of cases. The second most common cause of dementia is vascular dementia, which is caused by microscopic bleeding and blood vessel blockage in the brain. 

Mixed dementia affects people who are affected by various forms of dementia at the same time. Many other disorders, including those that are reversible, such as thyroid problems and vitamin deficiencies, can cause dementia symptoms.

Dementia is often incorrectly referred to as “senility” or “senile dementia,” reflecting the incorrect belief that serious mental decline is an inevitable part of aging.

What is the Dementia Cure

Dementia signs and symptoms

Dementia manifests itself in a variety of ways. Here are some examples:

  • Short-term memory difficulties.
  • Keeping an eye on a wallet or purse.
  • Bills to be paid.
  • Meal planning and preparation
  • Keeping track of appointments

Many diseases are progressive, which means that the symptoms of dementia appear progressively and worsen over time. Don’t neglect memory problems or other shifts in thought skills if you or someone you know is experiencing them. To assess the cause, see a doctor as soon as possible. A professional examination can reveal a condition that can be treated.

Even if signs indicate dementia, early detection helps a person to get the most out of available medications and allows them to participate in clinical trials or studies. It also gives you time to think about the future.

What are the Causes of Dementia?

Dementia is a general concept that encompasses a variety of conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia, and other conditions.

  • Simple forgetfulness is insufficient to diagnose dementia; evidence of issues in at least two areas of cognition (brain function) is needed to support the diagnosis.
  • Dementia can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including:
  • Memory loss is a common problem.
  • Speaking difficulties include trouble finishing sentences or finding the correct word to say.
  • Completing tasks is difficult.
  • Have trouble identifying objects or individuals.
  • Showing symptoms of a bad decision-making process.
  • Dementia patients can have difficulty cooking.
  • completing household tasks
  • Bills to be paid.

They may ask the same questions or tell the same stories over and over, or they may miss appointments. They can become disoriented in familiar surroundings. Changes in personality, such as irritability or agitation, can also occur. People with dementia can experience hallucinations (or see things that aren’t actually there).

 Is There Any Cure for Dementia?

Is there a Cure for Dementia
Is there a Cure for Dementia

Decades of progress have been made in discovering how various disorders cause brain damage and, as a result, dementia. And, thanks to increased investment in recent years, several more research projects and clinical trials are now underway.

Despite the fact that a cure might be years away, there are some very positive developments.

Here are some of the topics on which researchers are focusing their efforts, as well as their preliminary results.

Dementia Cure and stem cells

Stem cells are the body’s “building blocks.” They have the ability to evolve into a variety of cell types, including brain and nerve cells.

In the lab, scientists “reprogrammed” skin cells from people with some forms of dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease, into stem cells. They then induced these stem cells to differentiate into brain cells.

Scientists have gained valuable insights into how brain damage begins and how it can be stopped by studying these cells.

These brain cells may also be used to assess therapeutic options at an early stage.


Immunotherapy is the process of enhancing the body’s natural defenses against disease. It’s one of the strategies that has proven to be successful in the treatment of other illnesses, such as cancer.

Vaccination against irregular proteins that build up in the brain in Alzheimer’s disease has been used in several dementia trials. Monoclonal antibodies (man-made variants of immune system proteins) have been used in other experiments to attack these proteins and delay disease progression.

Monoclonal antibodies, for example, have been developed to attack the amyloid protein, which builds up in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients.

Therapies dependent on genes

The use of gene-based therapies to target genes that cause dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease or frontotemporal dementia, has sparked a lot of interest.

Gene-based treatments are also being used to reduce the development of proteins associated with dementia, such as tau in Alzheimer’s disease.

Medicine repurposing

It takes several years and millions of pounds to develop new dementia medicines.

Another, much faster, way to locate dementia medications is to repurpose existing drugs used for other conditions.

Medicines used to treat Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia are still being studied as alternative therapies.

  • diabetes type 2
  • blood pressure that is too high
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is a form of arthritis in which the joints are affected.

Treatment and Care for Dementia

You want to do whatever you can to support a parent, partner, or someone else you care about who has been diagnosed with dementia, including improving their memory, cognitive skills, mood, and behavior.

It’s a lot to process. However, there are measures that can be taken to assist.

Acting with their doctor to treat their dementia symptoms as well as any other illnesses they may have is one of them. Other types of treatments can also be beneficial in their everyday lives. Exercise, a healthy diet, being social, doing things that challenge their minds, and having enough sleep are all important daily habits.


Dementia can’t be cured by medicine. However, some can temporarily alleviate some of the symptoms. Doctors can also recommend other medications to treat dementia-related issues including depression, insomnia, or irritability.

Donepezil (Aricept), galantamine (Razadyne), and rivastigmine (Exelon) are cholinesterase inhibitors that delay the degradation of a brain chemical involved in memory and judgment.

Memantine (Namenda) aids in the regulation of a different brain chemical that is essential for learning and memory. For mild to serious dementia, doctors can prescribe memantine in combination with donepezil (Namzaric).


These methods can improve your loved one’s memory and thinking skills, or at the very least give them satisfaction and make their day brighter. Make sure that whatever they try improves their quality of life and does not frustrate or overwhelm them.

Sharing with your loved one about their hometown, school days, work-life, or favorite activities could be part of reminiscence therapy. As part of structured treatment, it can be performed one-on-one or in groups. Music from your loved one’s history, as well as photographs or treasured objects, can be used by the person leading the session.

The basics of reality orientation training include the person’s name, as well as the date and time. They may have posted signs with that information all over their house. This could be too much for certain people, or even patronizing. Drop it if it isn’t working with your loved one.

Changing Your Way of Life

Even if a person has dementia, their everyday routine may have an impact on how they feel. The same factors that benefit their heart and the rest of their body will also benefit their mind — and their mood.

Continue to be active. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a senior exercise class or some type of physical activity like walking, dancing, or gardening. Of course, you’ll want to make sure their exercises are healthy, and their abilities may vary depending on whether they’re in the early, middle, or late stages of dementia (and what other conditions they may have). According to studies, exercise can help to reduce dementia symptoms such as memory loss and anxiety or depression.

Make getting a decent night’s sleep a priority. Many people with dementia experience worsening symptoms later in the day. As a result, promote a relaxing routine. Avoiding caffeinated tea and coffee, particularly in the evening, and limiting daytime naps are both beneficial to your loved one. Maintain a peaceful atmosphere at the end of the day.

Start focusing on the foods. Your loved one’s body, including their brain, is influenced by what they eat. Good habits can also help to delay the progression of dementia. You may be familiar with the MIND diet. It incorporates the DASH diet with the conventional Mediterranean diet (which seeks to lower high blood pressure). It’s being researched as a way to reduce the risk of dementia.

Examine your hearing and vision.

For those with dementia, being able to see and hear clearly is particularly critical. It can be difficult to remember familiar people or objects when you are having difficulty seeing. Dementia symptoms such as depression can be exacerbated by vision or hearing issues, which can also make your loved one feel more isolated.

Support and Counseling

A dementia diagnosis can be frightening. Ask the doctor treating your loved one’s dementia to refer you to a certified mental health specialist if your loved one wants assistance coming to terms with it. (If you need help adapting to their situation, you may want to do this for yourself.) A person or family therapist, social worker, psychologist, or doctor may be involved.

Final Words

Dementia treatment is determined by the cause. There is no cure or therapy that will delay or stop the development of most progressive dementias, including Alzheimer’s disease. However, there are several drug therapies that may help to alleviate symptoms temporarily. The same medications that are used to treat Alzheimer’s disease are also used to treat the symptoms of other forms of dementia.

Providing stable and regular care for your loved ones is critical.  Dementia home care is a specialized service different from traditional home care, because individuals with dementia have distinct care needs from other seniors. In dementia care, the care plan is designed around the unique challenges of the dementia disease, as well as the recipient’s individual care needs. Care is provided in the comfort of the senior’s home, and services are performed by caregivers who are uniquely qualified to care for individuals living with dementia.


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