
Nadine is a trusted leader in providing caregivers for senior care, and offers various types of services on a professional level that she found lacking in other companies. Rent a Daughter is committed to providing advanced and specialized services for clients, specializing in Alzheimer’s and Dementia, and can provide a planned program designed for each individual based on a personal assessment of their needs.
Caring For Someone With Alzheimers


We are

Our Mission:

To ensure a better quality of life for seniors and their families by providing dependable, affordable care. To maintain an independent lifestyle for loved ones, regardless of age and health issues.

How can we help you?

Rent a Daughter gives you the peace of mind of having someone with you 24/7 to help you with your daily routine, provide companionship and ensure your health care needs are met. Our staff is STNA/First Aid/CPR certified, so you can be sure your well being is always at the top of our mind.

We are available 4 hours episodically or up to 24 hours, 7 days a week; or any combination in between. We provide flexibility to ensure our clients and their families have the support they need to remain at their maximum level of independence.

Our Senior Care Services Include

  • Companionship and socialization
  • Light housekeeping 
  • Meal planning, shopping, and preparation
  • Laundry and linen changes
  • Assistance with moving/estate sales
  • Transportation, escorted outings/errands
  • Transitions from hospital to home care
  • Alzheimer’s and dementia care
  • Medication reminders
  • Assistance with bathing and grooming
  • Pet and plant care
  • Hygiene and incontinence care

Referring Care for a Patient or Friend.

You have a lifetime of memories in your home, and we know you want to stay there as long as possible. At Rent a Daughter we understand that living at home can present many challenges in your senior years, and loved ones can’t always be there to help!

Let's Get Started

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